RE: Ivanka Trump slammed after sharing photos from family vacation: ‘Shame on you’

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Sharon Lee Davies-Tight

22 April 2019

Ivanka Trump slammed after sharing photos from family vacation: ‘Shame on you’

At least she’s not using her kids as human shields to get into a country illegally.

Nor is she selling her children to child sex traffickers.

These Yahoo writers insert too much hatred and political and economic bias into their news article titles.

People who use children as human shields, bargaining chips and cash cows should be separated from those so-called adults.

All those children at the border are crying to go home; they’re not crying to get into the USA.


SHAMING IVANKA FOR FAMILY FUN would have been a more decent title as well as more truthful.
The “shame on you” was overkill in that title. and the title was a sentence not a title. Living in a GAY neighborhood and being familiar with their talk, my first thought was a gay wrote that title. They are the most biased group of people I’ve ever encountered. They write like they talk – absent a filter.
Writers have the opportunity to edit what they write before it gets out; while once out of the mouth, it’s out. You can’t take it back.
A title shouldn’t communicate the views or the bias of the writer if written as a journalist on a news site.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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2 thoughts on “RE: Ivanka Trump slammed after sharing photos from family vacation: ‘Shame on you’

    1. The world is tiring of tolerating offensive behavior toward anyone who doesn’t share the same politics. Discriminating against those who discriminate is worse, since it’s done with premeditation in the form of revenge for having a different view. The hypocrisy is making them visibly sick.


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