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by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight


Black Africans think their brains are in their skin, that’s why they’re always thinking on it, with it, and through it.

Most people want to show off their brains. Blacks want to show off their skin. Not every black from every African country – I don’t suppose.

I wonder though, if there are significant cultural and aesthetic and moral differences among black countries like there are among white countries? Absent modern day immigration.

Do all the black peoples from all the black countries in Africa sing and dance together, eat the same food, think the same thoughts, speak in one black voice like they do in America?

Or, at least that’s the impression professional blacks, those who make a profession out of their skin, want to imprint on the world.

Like one China, one voice, one huge, massive simultaneous vote?

Is that Black Africa too?

China’s changing. That unison, simultaneous strategy keeps the populace tethered to each other.

That’s the same as slavery, and I think the Chinese are waking up to that.

Maybe it’s time for black Africans to wake up too.

Everybody votes for the same thing, when they’re trained to follow the group.

Who do the leaders follow, though?

Not the populace; I can guarantee you that.


Communism is dead – because it worked in theory ONLY, not practice. Large parts of the world practiced it and large parts of the world suffered as a result. Only a tiny elite, ruling minority prospered under their own rule, which in essence made them a dictatorship by committee.

If you call yourselves a democracy because you have free elections, but everyone in the country prefers the policies and practices of socialism, then you’re basically a monolithic system of governing, which in essence becomes communism if practiced long enough, since everyone in the nation can’t all be rich, but they can all be at the poverty line, which eventually demoralizes the populace, which then requires a military presence in the civilian population to keep the system that no longer works.

The only time systems of mass control work in providing a more equal balance is when in transition. Once the goal is met, nobody likes it, because it’s too confining and restrictive. Paradoxically, it is always the masses who want and seek and rise up to achieve that equal distribution, only to discover that it produced more disadvantages, rather than fewer.

China’s system has never worked. The reason it appeared to thrive at various times throughout history is because the Chinese people were convinced by their leaders that suffering was a necessary part of the plan.

China’s system lays all the decision-making into the hands of a few old men regarding every single detail of China’s population, land, resources, and on and on.

China’s old men are no different than anybody else’s old men. Old men can’t handle that much responsibility. Young men can’t handle that much responsibility. Nobody’s men can.

Suffering, suffering, suffering. You wear it well. What a lie you projected to the world. Suffering brings you peace, wealth, happiness, ingenuity, invention? Then why do you spend so much time stealing America’s inventions?

Long live China as a democracy. If China becomes a democracy, then China keeps Hong Kong and Taiwan. Everyone is different, but equally worthy to pursue their people’s dreams. 

Not all Chinese are the same. Accept that reality as the beginning of what an ultimate Chinese Democracy will look like. Better than any other democracy.

You know how to do it. You dreamed it for centuries.


Donald Trump is a patriotic progressive, something I hadn’t seen before in any president, who’s not afraid to engage the people in his decision-making process while actually in office.

What surprises me is that most anti-Trump people have yet to figure out that glaring strategy.

Pick a topic. He throws out a ludicrous position which always leads to floods of feedback, which then he uses to form his stances. Past presidents relied on the CIA for input and suggestions and a few community leaders.

All other political candidates say “we can win but we need your help; we can’t do it alone.” But who has the time for the never-ending activism of knocking on doors, or standing in malls for hours signing up new voters?

With Trump all you have to do is shout out your ideas while you keep doing what you’re doing in your private life.

Brilliant strategy. Most politicians don’t have that confidence to share the stage. Their egos get in the way. Trump shares the stage with everybody.


I believe that.

Nancy Pelosi knows Trump is going to win in 2020, so all her efforts are directed now at destroying him rather than forming a viable plan for the future. No matter the plan, she’s knows he’ll still win, which puts her on a search and destroy course of action.

She’s not worried that she’s doing nothing for the country, because she knows he is, so let him keep doing it, while she sets out using cunning and morally corrupt strategies to take him out.

She plans on staying, She can handle those girls. She’ll come to their defense even when it’s a lie, so they’ll back off and let her at him her way.

Yes, they’re little girls in women’s jobs who don’t know how to behave in public and who don’t know how to represent all the people. All they want is for all the people all the time to support their race, religion or gender. They are not for all. If so they would be for white people and they clearly are not. They use white people as their slaves and whores to work or fight for their rights and nobody else’s

There are more poor white people in the USA than all other groups combined. They’re not organized. If they were they’d be called white supremacists – another hate name lobbed at whites who want to preserve their race and who have white pride or who simply are more comfortable among their own. All groups are more comfortable among their own and generally prefer to procreate among their own. There is no crime there.

Forcing people to procreate with other demographics is enslavement. Leave people alone to be with whom they want, instead of doing what some social engineers say is good for all when it isn’t. Stay out of my love, like and hate life.

Hate is a natural human emotion. To legislate emotions is slavery. To pass a law telling people who or what they can love, like or hate is total enslavement of the human mind.

Nancy Pelosi way overstepped her boundaries as a liberal politician and can’t find her way back. She is Stuck in Mussolini Mode. She needs to clean up her own talk and walk before calling somebody out in public to humiliate them – another dictatorial move. She’s trying to colonize the world by having the world come to her. Mussolini tried to expand the Roman Empire by going to the Middle East: Libya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Albania to name a few of his conquests.

Humans who can’t hate or love are considered mentally ill, which means Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts want to legislate mental illness by humiliating in the public square anyone who expresses their right to love, like or hate anything or anyone they want. It’s a universal expression of pleasure or displeasure on a continuum.

Gays often say you can’t tell someone whom to love. That is correct. I say You can’t tell someone whom or what to hate. People hate for valid reasons, usually when under threats of the perpetrator’s making. So back off legislating emotions. It is not appropriate to dictate to anyone how they should feel. It’s not your place. I’ve seen more hate come out of the democratic party than I’ve witnessed during my seventy years on earth and in a very short time.

Breaking News: Massive amounts of hate directed at white people across the USA and the world – all because a white man said America comes first to Americans. Yes, we take care of our own citizens first. Maybe the rest of the world needs to do the same and stop asking that crazy uncle sam you all love to hate to open his pockets for you. How dare you disrespect our nation, our people that way.

Hey globally, white people are the minority. China, Japan and all the Asians, India-Pakistan, Africa, Middle East, South America, Central America, the United States of Mexico, all the island communities and territories fall under the category of dark skinned people. They got the huge numbers. Europe is all that’s left and that’s quickly changing color. Soon white people will be an endangered color. It’s a scientific fact; stop denying it and calling it racist.

Right now South America is in a mess – always has been. Middle East is a mess and always has been. Africa also a mess. India a mess. Asia a mess.  Pakistan helpless. They all want to self-govern and keep the white face out, after the whites build their nations for them. And then when the white face leaves, they all make a mess of it. Too many pull out and migrate to other places to repeat the same story, usually to where the white faces live. But their goal is always the same – turn the new place into the old place and keep the cycle of corruption in play.

There’s a color war in the USA government, thus not a fully functioning government body. It hardly functions at all. That’s what happens when dark colors seek self-rule to the exclusion of everybody else. ‘Join Us’ they all say. But when you do, you’re left behind when the color wheel spins and you notice the color white isn’t on it.

Trump is the only one working for the American people – for all the American people – regardless of color or gender, or religion or status of handicap.

Every dark color group wants Trump to be their private dictator, and if they sense that some other color is getting his attention they go berserk in public communicating through violent, obscene, disturbing gestures and shouts of destruction their demands, like terrorists, like strange creatures mysteriously surfacing out of imaginary lagoons in the middle of every street in America. Then it spreads like a contagion throughout the planet via the media.

Humans imitate each other. It’s their nature to do that. It doesn’t matter the race, religion, culture or gender or anything else. Imitation is the one common denominator we as humans all share. We copy one another’s behavior patterns. I don’t need science to tell me that. I observe it.

So the American people suffer a little under Pelosi’s tyranny, but so what, Trump’s doing a darn good job. She just wants to be boss at any cost. She’s not boss with Trump. She’s boss with a democratically elected president. Trump outplays, outshines, outworks her.

White people are people of color too. White is a color. Nancy Pelosi on a regular basis slams white people; Barack Obama did the same thing. The little girls she keeps protecting from the big bad white guy slams white people. Those girls put white people on the table for the world to humiliate, kill then eat.

Not unlike the bullfighting they all support as a necessary tourist attraction for the brown people in Basque and the dog fights for the black people,  and the cock fights for the Asians, forcing white people to fight for them has become the world’s favorite blood sport.

Yet, there is no hate speech law that protects white people – only black, brown, yellow, red – every skin hue except white. Therein lies their glaring prejudice and racism.

No, Donald Trump is not a racist. Nancy Pelosi and her gang of bullfighter girls are the racists. Trash-talking white people, holding white people hostage to their flimsy social plans to transform America into their countries of origin, making poor white people go to the back of the line and pay for other people’s crimes through preferentially based social programs are all racist moves.

All because they couldn’t find the courage to stand up to the dictators in their own countries of origin. Instead, they came to America to stand up to the white people they loved to hate and the public officials whom the citizens of the USA legally elected. They’re too accustomed to coups to work methodically to achieve good things for all citizens. They want it now, and they want it for themselves, so they put all their individual and collective energies into unseating whom they hate and replacing the seat with someone they control.

Donald Trump really doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. His opponents who all want his money are racist against all white people.

Don’t ever tell someone whom you hate that they can’t hate you back or you’ll destroy their lives.

Hating someone isn’t the same as racism. Hating someone is not a crime. Loving someone is not a crime. Liking someone is not a crime. Being angry is not a crime. Crying is not a crime. Being happy is not a crime. Fearing someone is not a crime. Who is trying to take all your defenses away from you? Who is trying to make you into emotionless human robots?

Wake up and get up. What’s wrong with you? Ah, those strange creatures from the imaginary lagoons are scaring you again?

Scare them back. Scare the hell out of ’em. They’re going to kill you anyway.

NSA is on my radar screen. If you have something to say, they’ll read it. Feel free, but be cautious.

RE: Putin says ‘genius musician’ Elton John mistaken on Russia LGBT rights

Russian President Putin gives an interview in Moscow

OSAKA (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that Elton John was “mistaken” about LGBT rights in Russia, while praising the British singer as a musical genius.

Elton John said on Friday he was deeply upset by Putin’s comment that liberal values were “obsolete” and had been rejected by the majority of people in Western nations.

He also accused Putin of hypocrisy for saying that he wanted LGBT people to be happy after reports that gay scenes in “Rocketman”, the movie based on the singer’s life, had been censored in Russia.

“I have a lot of respect for him, he is a genius musician, we all enjoy his music, but I think he is mistaken,” Putin said when asked about Elton John’s comments in Osaka where he was attending a G20 summit.

Putin said Russian authorities had a “relaxed and unprejudiced” attitude towards LGBT people, but decisions about gender identity could only be made by adults and therefore minors need to be “left alone”.

Russian law bans “propaganda of homosexuality among minors”.

Putin also said that while he did not deny the attractiveness of liberal values in general, he was referring to situations where they impinged on traditional lifestyles.

(Reporting by Katya Golubkova; Writing by Olzhas Auyezov; Editing by Alexander Smith)

Source: Putin says ‘genius musician’ Elton John mistaken on Russia LGBT rights


STRATEGIC COMMENT: Being gay isn’t a liberal value as Elton John indicates. It’s a fact that runs through all races, genders, ethnicities, families, many species, political parties, religions and other groups. Elton John’s attempt to make it a liberal issue is prejudicial against all people of all genders. Gay or homosexual propaganda seeks to increase the gay population so that politically they have more clout. For that reason they appear to have attached their ‘right to be gay’ to the democratic party, making being gay a political issue, when it isn’t.

Adult gays having sex with underage boys is a real problem, since those boys haven’t matured yet. Ask any victim of sexual assault by a priest. Hear their stories of enslavement and torture by primarily gay priests.

Although straight men do have sex with young boys, the abuser is most often gay, which means there is a huge pedophilia problem in the gay community, that is not being addressed by the very people who perpetrate and hide its existence. It’s not enough to justify the action by saying straight men do it too. If it’s in your community and you’re hiding it, then it’s your problem.

It is my belief that Elton John is well aware of that problem. What is he doing about it politically?

Five minutes of explicit sex scenes regarding male on male plus oral sex scenes were deleted by the Russian editors of a film called ROCKETMAN, but not only by the Russians. Other cultures found it offensive. You can’t force people to come out of the closet. Each individual knows when it’s safe to do that. It’s not somebody else’s call to make for them.

Elton John evidently wanted to make a pornographic story about his life under the category of general audience or mature content? Explicit oral sex scenes are usually saved for porn-categorized films, not autobiographical films.

Vladimir Putin got it right when he said what adults do is their business, but what the children do is society’s business. Leave the kids out of it.

Most people believe that sex traffickers are only interested in young girls. Not so. They are equally interested in underage boys.

Sex trafficking of underage girls and boys is a huge problem in the USA and around the globe. What is actually being done about it?

What is Elton John doing about it?

By gays focusing so much on their genitals to the exclusion of most everything else, they devalue everything else about them.

Women it seems forever were valued only for their sexuality and/or mothering skills. It took a long time to value women for something beyond their male-assigned gender roles. The likes of Elton John are doing the same to gay people as men did to women. I cannot see that as a forward moving, freedom facilitating strategy.


“There’s only one thing we want you to do.”

When you hear that don’t respond. Walk away. Don’t ask. They want you to ask. When you ask, they have you where they want you.

Whatever they offered in exchange for that ‘one thing they want you to do’ is something that they know in advance goes against your grain.

If you just ask out of curiosity what that one thing is, they win.

That same offer will then be off the table, because it was never on it. It was a lie told to manipulate you into a corner so they could take from you more than they were willing to fairly compensate.


That’s why Hispanics turned into brown people not that long ago.

They saw black people raking in the dough by exploiting their color.

White people pay.

Big rich white people pay so the blacks don’t ruin their businesses.

So sure. Hey man, we’re brown. Look at our skin. Forget all that Hispanic and Latino and south of the border mumbo jumbo.


What’s the matter you don’t like our skin color? That’s hate. That’s prejudice. I didn’t get that job because I’m brown. That’s discrimination.

PAY UP GRINGO. Why don’t you like brown people?


Video games are the epitome of hyperbole.

Exaggeration to make a point. That’s hyperbole and is probably more commonly used than the lie in persuading an opponent or raising an issue. “It weighed a ton” doesn’t mean it actually weighed a ton. It means it weighed a lot, always more than the person looking at it thought it weighed.

Video games by their nature are exaggerated. Everything about the design, the plan, the expectations, the results.

Hyperbole has been around a lot longer than video games. In fact, since humans could communicate, that’s how long it’s been used as a tool to influence. To influence, we exaggerate for the purpose of imprinting the brain, not with the precise wordage, but with the basic message. And it works.

Everybody in the world knows how to identify it, use it and benefit by it – except apparently Millennials, who were raised on video games.

How do you think these games kept your attention long enough to raise you?  Hyperbole. Exaggerating to make a point. A tool used to influence; to guide your thoughts thus your actions. It works.

So why do Millennials get so upset by the use of hyperbole, when they were raised on it?

My figure is that they lost often – the game, the video game.

They probably lost more often than they won. So much so, that when they hear someone use hyperbole, they go nuts, off the rails, can’t stand it. Shame them, ban them, name-call them, burn them in effigy, punch them in effigy.

Wow, who could have predicted the result of years of playing arcade or computer video games?


Since everybody uses it to influence others, that leaves the Millennials at a distinct disadvantage in coping with all forms of human interaction and behavior..

Black leaders are popping blacks, just like Israelis pop the Jew populace each time they covet something and don’t want to wade through a process to get it.

When Jews commit massacres in America, it’s the Jew psyche in play. Jew leaders know what to say and do publicly to disengage their own assailants from reality.

Blacks figured out how to mimic Jews to get what they want and are applying that strategy to their own populace. They know what to say and do to incite certain people within their group to act on the groups behalf by rising to commit a massacre in the name of revenge. Who murders a bunch of people because they got fired? It’s the psyche they play on that activates the assailant.

They call it social justice. That’s what happens when particular demographics think, speak and act in unison with an agenda based on superiority and motivated by what they can gain from applying that power over, under and through all other groups.

They’ve been preached hatred of white people and infidels and gentiles (non-Jews) for so long and so consistently that they become mentally ill by the constant nature of the onslaught of negativity fed them by their leaders – in the family, in the government, in their religions, in their businesses, in their private, individual relationships.

Jews formed a religion and government based on the characteristics of their collective personalities, rather than fairness under God-made and human-made laws, which they had no interest in changing just to get along with other people and groups in the world. ‘We are who and what we are and we’re not changing for anybody. So get used to it. Everybody does the same things we do, we just made it work for us and everybody else is jealous.’

They simultaneously, unilaterally and secretly passed a universal ‘street and shadow’ law to suppress any criticism of their ‘ways’, claiming such criticism to be anti-Jew thus ‘hate’, thus punishable by them in any way they deemed fit to stop the criticism and discourage others from engaging in the same behavior – however true and justified.

Jews scream HOLOCAUST and the world stands still for them.

Criticism is what stopped the holocaust, not Jews screaming.

Blacks scream SLAVERY and the world stands still for them.

Criticism is what stopped slavery, not blacks screaming.

They scream to make people fear. Yes. ‘Fear us, because you know what we will do if you don’t. We’ve shown you. And you know how we can pop our own people.’

The assailants aren’t tied to an organization. It’s the group psych they’re tied to. That’s how they get activated.

Jews will kill their own to profit the group. Blacks will kill their own to profit the group. Whites kill their own all the time, but in personal interactions that have nothing to do with the group psyche.

Jews want you to hate them. Blacks now want you to hate them too. They both say they don’t care, but they really do. They manufacture hate like a product for sale. It’s easy to do. They start with the small stuff and blow it up so big that you can’t help but see something, as least a kernel of truth, but the interpretation of the kernel is the lie that works, because of the way it’s manipulated.

Like hair. Blacks cry all over Facebook, ‘white people hate our hair, they forced us to straighten it, do you know how much that costs? They persecuted us over our hair. i cried every day and every night, why don’t you like my hair natural?’

This is what people get killed over. Plain and simple. When they don’t have a big accusation in their tool box they focus on tiny, then enlarge it till it looks grotesque, and white people kneel down and apologize for not liking their hair. The blacks suffering and crying all come together on the post and say two words. Thank you.

That’s a hustle. It happens all over Facebook all the time. Facebook supports it. Heck, they could be the ones engineering it.

When you start telling people what features and characteristics and traits to like in other people, you’ve crossed a line into oppression territory.

I don’t like frizzy hair, fuzzy hair, gooey hair, matted hair. pony tails, pigtails. I tried lots of hairdos. I had a permanent curl and every time I went out in humid weather it all frizzed up. I don’t like frizz on myself. I don’t like angel type hair either that’s so fine you can’t do anything with it. I don’t blame an entire race of people for my insecurities about my hair. Heck, I just buzzed it all off, long before it became fashionable.

So they respond, ‘then you know how we feel’.

I don’t give a damn about your hair; I only care about mine. What is this ‘you know how we feel’ about?

It’s part of the group hustle, to get you to admit something, some small slight that they can attach to you. They don’t like fuzzy hair either, nobody does. It’s too hard to handle. White people could grow their hair down to the floor, but most don’t because it’s too much work to maintain it.

But look, some people are born with no legs and they adjust, so why can’t black people adjust to their fuzzy hair? It is so insignificant. That’s a key right there.

Of course it’s insignificant; that’s why they use it to scam you out of your money. They know they can get you to admit that you don’t like fuzzy hair, then they quickly call it racist, because they’re born with fuzzy hair. Then it’s slam, bam thank you ma’m for opening your wallet so quickly – or your bank account.

They blame you for the high cost of straightening, that they made a decision to purchase. Do you know how much it costs to have somebody else braid your hair or to make all the waves equal in size? That’s not natural either. Being natural costs a lot of money, so their ‘natural’ argument gets deflated.

In the 1970s nobody argued for the right to wear an afro-style hairdo. A lot of people did it. Now if a white person does it, it’s called culture appropriation and they want money from you for the privilege of wearing your hair like them. Truth be told white women straightening their curly hair and white women curling their straight hair has nothing to do with black people. They’ve been doing it forever. And even if it did, so what?

If blacks hate their hair so much, and they do, then why expect white people to like it? Oh I get it,  white people will like it so much that they’ll want to look like black people, and then they can get them on cultural appropriation charges which = more money.

When people use their hair as a political tool, you know there’s nothing else in their tool box. If you cave to their terrorist demands, that’s on you. But when you cave on behalf of everybody else, and expect every white person in the world to do as you did, cave to a terrorist group, then you become part of the hustle and part of the oppression.

When white people start defending their rights, they’re called white supremacists or Neo-Nazis. That’s a quick way to get white people to shut up when they’re discriminated against or demonized because of the color of their skin. See, blacks want to keep the oppressed label; they’re not going to give it up to anyone, much less white people, even as they collectively oppress and punish that entire race of people in the name of social justice.

Social Justice is just another way of breaking the law and getting away with it.

So this black dude kills all these white people because he couldn’t stand all the blacks screaming about white people stealing his culture and hating his hair and white people taking his football away, and now his job too. He’s a hero to black people and he knew he would be.

The news media didn’t say that five unarmed whitish people were killed by an armed black person, like they do when the shooter is white and those shot are black. That’s a glaring example of media discrimination, showing a black bias, which communicates the black privilege of socially justifiable homicide.

Whichever way you look at it, he was a suicide bomber – a ticking bomb that Black Lives Matter Terrorists popped.


Brutalizing people is not an effective recruiting strategy. Neither is making enemies to build friendships.

Standing at a 13% population disadvantage, making enemies by bringing white people to their knees and ruining their businesses for offenses committed by other people in the past is a destructive use of small town tactics to gain up town recognition – a recognition that is not sustainable, simply because it is based on the false premise that white people today are responsible for practices that all races and cultures engaged in many years ago.

Contrary to social media and cable opinion outlets the movers and shakers of the world don’t like bullies. They dislike even more those who seek to destroy the businesses in which they invest.

I have yet to see a plan emerge that had a positive global goal attached, which leads not just me but many others to the conclusion that the revenge tactics used by Black Lives Matter Terrorists serve a visceral purpose that cannot and will not translate into financial growth.

USA Census for 1860 was 31.4 million of which 3.9 million or 12.6% total population were slaves and children of slaves.

Slavery ended in 1863.

Population of USA in 2018 was 327.1 million.

By 1863 approximately  3.9 million slaves including their children were legally freed.

Approximately three hundred million people and 156 years later, some 246 million white people, none of whom participated in slavery, are now being held hostage and responsible for deeds that occurred prior to the Emancipation Proclamation Act of 1863 and the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution abolishing slavery. Prior to that time slavery was legal on a Federal level, although in some states it had already been outlawed to varying degrees.

There is no legal precedent for one race of persons to hold accountable another race of persons for cultural and/or socio-economic missteps that in time became abolished. Madison Avenue and Wall Street have nothing to gain and everything to lose by participating in and supporting the white-lynching tactics of ruining white people’s careers and businesses based on a nondescript terrorist agenda for the sole purpose of terrorizing the white race and destroying their culture, careers, businesses and families using revenge tactics to protest an institution that no longer exists.

In that regard they are much like ISIS terrorists who want to return to the past to recoup losses that cannot be recovered,  so they take life and limb and liberty from the white people of the present. That is enslavement and torture, which will lead to slaughter if left unchecked.


Using children as tools to commit crimes or as tools to make more money isn’t new. Years ago people had large families, so the children grew up tending the fields and working the farms – being trained early in the execution of their ‘chores’. When factories came along, they were the first in line. ‘Imagine the money we can make with nine kids.’

That was then. Child labor laws in the USA and elsewhere eventually outlawed the use of children for labor. It didn’t matter that the children wanted to work; it was deemed unacceptable considering the conditions under which they were forced to work with no supervision between adult and child or older children and younger children.

Spanish adults use children to storm the USA southern borders, expecting that a forced-entry effort will get them across quicker,  giving border officials no choice but to let them go further into the country, due to the mass numbers of people demanding early, ahead of the the line,  processing.

The pity (aka compassionate) strategy goes like this: They put the child out front as the negotiating tool to get them across the border by ignoring existing USA laws. They claim to have no money or resources and fully expect the USA government to give them whatever they need to survive at the tax payer expense. Fifteen million did that already with thousands more ready to breach an imaginary border.

There’s no border here. Where’s the border? I can’t see anything. It’s just dirt. Dirt isn’t a border. Dirt doesn’t make a wall. Where’s the wall, the access doors, the streets? Stop looking up at the sky. What are you doing? Oh, I thought maybe the border was in the sky somewhere. Looking for incoming at this late stage makes you look like you’re waiting for a  missile launch. Stop it.

The ‘pity for my child even if not for me‘ strategy includes an expectation that they’ll let the parents and the entire family in too. Who will take care of the child in the USA? Hillary Clinton says it takes a village to raise a child and nobody south of the border ever forgot that endorsement for all they do. We need to bring the whole village. Who says? Hillary. Hillary Clinton.

Adult primitive and predatory urges are still in play on the southern continent. Using children as strategies is inhumane regardless of Hillary Clinton’s unintentional endorsement of illegal immigration by writing a book claiming it takes a village to raise a child. But who knows, maybe she did support illegal immigration and that was her way of solidifying her base for an eventual presidential run- twice.

When someone has children for the purpose of exploitation they don’t bond with them. Why would they? They’re preparing to sell them.

Village involvement or not,  child labor, child sex, child mutilation and child exploitation of all types needs to end today not in five years.  The words ‘minor’ and ‘forced’ are conditions under which enslavement is identified and the conditions under which it flourishes unabated. All countries are involved with child slavery.

Children like to please adults. For adults to use as an excuse for exploiting children, that they like it or don’t mind or they want it, keeps the issues surrounding their exploitation from being properly and quickly addressed. The world needs this now not five years from now. It’s happening right under our noses and everybody turns away because the authorities turn away. If they’re scared of the far-reaching tentacles of the Spanish Mob Cartels, then where does that leave us?

Hispanics don’t care about child labor laws; they don’t care about any law that prohibits them from doing what they want to do. Period. A law?? A law? One might think that they’re coming from completely lawless nations, the way they talk about not knowing anything about laws. What’s a law? A law? Yet, they left those supposedly lawless nations to go to a nation of laws. It’s the laws that make the nation, not the people.

People are the same all over except for a few blips here and there in their DNA. It’s the laws that promote and facilitate progress. Through organization we achieve success, not through constant dissension, upheaval, never ending hustles, coup after coup, after coup. Just go in and take it over. That is the mentality of Spanish-speaking people inhabiting lands south of the USA border.

They are always starting over someplace else to make their own rules – again. Make America Great Again is starting to sound familiar.

We waited for you to change for us.  You didn’t do it. So now we make you change. That is the foundation and cornerstone of all their strategies. They never, ever think about changing themselves to fit into somebody else’s program, except to gain access to something else that they want, that means more to them than the temporary enslavement required in their minds to achieve it.

So, the Jews claim them as their ancestors from Basque country.

The Arabs say no way. We look at the behavior, not the historical residence. They’re Nomads, make no mistake about it; they are Nomads – that’s us. We’re south of the border people too. We’re the engineers and architects. Look at Dubai.

Children living with their parents on farms all over the USA are working the fields alongside adults or when the adults are too drunk to work, the children fill in for them. Nobody checks, because nobody cares, as long as the crops get picked.

Not all people with work cards return to their country of origin when the picking season is over. Many just stay rather than bear the expense of a trip home across the border again. Many get pregnant and have babies here; that’s the goal, since the children become an automatic USA citizen by birthright.

The crying children in all these video-taped border scenarios are crying to go home, not crying to go to the USA. The USA border officials weren’t making them cry; their parent’s hysteria and unpredictable actions were making them feel unsafe and wanting to return to a safe place again – home.

It’s easy not to provide a birth certificate. Just say you don’t have one. They are always coached on what to say, which means that what they say is a lie. Well, they threw it away, so technically it isn’t a lie. No record of birth. Yet they’re all Catholics, which means they’re all baptized, which means there is a record. The Catholic Church keeps records of births and the Catholic church is very active in all countries south of the USA border.

Everybody seems to have left out the Catholic Church in all the talk about massive numbers of people living illegally in the USA and now thinking it their right to storm the border with compassion stories to let them in or else. And they are all from Catholic Countries south of the border.

What position does the Pope take?  More children. More money for the church.

The Catholic Church is a Kingdom of Children – without a voice.

I was shocked to discover Hispanic Dreamers were thirty year old children. Why wasn’t this common knowledge? The government via the CIA news outlet hides what it doesn’t want the populace to know. What kind of convoluted legal mumbo jumbo accepts that a thirty year old is a dreamer?

Deferred action on the legal status of children who were brought to the USA illegally by some adults. I mean, how long did the USA figure on delaying action? Forever? Come on. Why did it take President Trump to address all these issues?

Do you know what happens when you apply too many band-aids to a sore without removing the old ones before applying a new one? Eventually, they all fall off at once.

That’s where the band-aid strategy always leads. Always. You can count on it.


Cory Booker (Democratic senator from New Jersey) is not fit to serve.

He is not fit to serve as a member of any public entity while holding such bigoted beliefs about white people. He’s too emotional. He’s too angry, too full of vengeance. He keeps comparing himself to Donald Trump and keeps justifying his bad behaviors by saying Donald Trump does it.

Where does that come from,  that ‘monkey see monkey do’ senatorial/congressional strategy?  I certainly don’t want a copycat for an elected official deciding my fate from another state every time he votes on federal issues. That’s a kid thing; why are adults doing it?

For some reason he wants to be Donald Trump. I don’t know what he’s going to run on, except his penchant for doing whatever the Donald does. ‘If he can do it, I can do it’ is pretty weak. Not original. So why would anyone vote for someone who lacked original ideas or strategies? That’s what we need in order to get rid of gridlock – original ideas and strategies. There’s no status quo in the democratic party, except Dump on Trump. Pathetic Platform. There’s no cure on the horizon for the Cory Bookers of the world. We don’t need another irritant in the White House; we already have a slew of them.

It’s shocking how so many democrats are copying Donald Trump. We do it because he does it. What a coup for Donald Trump. The sooner you walk back or away from that strategy the happier and more productive and original you’ll become. You show the ugly needy side of yourselves by copying somebody else’s behavior. Why don’t you copy his ingenuity, industry, ambition, work ethic? It’s his coup again. You only copy what you claim to be bad behavior. Why? To show him what it looks like? That’s how you spend your time in congress, spying on Trump so you can copycat his bad behavior to show him what he looks like? That’s weak.

You are not fit to serve anybody, much less this greatly flawed but great nevertheless nation.

I think I should run for president.

Hey, I’m legal, I have the right temperament and the people skills and work ethic for the job. I’m always looking ahead, I’m a good listener and fair. I learn what I don’t know quickly. I’m in good health and live clean. I stand my ground when I know I’m right. I don’t speak my opinion unless I do know I’m right. With new information I reconsider my view.

How many contestants can say all of the above and be telling the truth?

Yeah, none. That’s why I have no interest in politics. It’s the company I’d have to keep. Decisions for all are made from egos, not based on reality. I don’t like being forced to vote the party line, rather than what’s good for the people and structures in the nation.

Yeah, I have a history I can talk about. I don’t fear disclosure. I can and do get along with anyone.

I’m Donald Trump’s worst nightmare. I like him. I understand his strategies. I like power; what can I say. I’m already groomed. The answer is no, though.

I don’t like being the face to somebody else’s words, policies and ideologies.

I’m not going to stay for the group hug. I’m onto something else more exciting.

Bet that scared the boots off ya’.

Hey, I could run the country from home, save a lot of money for the overburdened taxpayer.

Booker made a strategic mistake when he said publicly that he wasn’t going to punch Trump in the face for his fellow democrats. Just yesterday I read it.

There’s that monkey maneuver again – ‘monkey see monkey do’ I want to be like Trump so the closest I can come to being in his skin is to act like him.

That’s a knockout punch to himself that knocked him right out of contention.

Using punching words to somebody’s face publicly as a senator from New Jersey? That’s you? That’s who you are right out of the gate? You couldn’t help yourself; you needed to get that last dig in before you start your love campaign? I’m not going to love you, so don’t ask me to. Just do your job in a professional way – unless you can’t.

If you’re going to do what Trump does as long as it gets you in the White House, then how are we to trust that you’ll put your democrat skin back on once you get there?

You have no justification for that violent outburst. It’s a strategic mistake that colored you violent and vengeful. You wrote the ending yourself. Live with it.


‘Almost always’ and ‘nearly never’ are what most mean when they say ‘always’ or ‘never’.

And most people understand the ‘gist’ of what somebody means. And/or they see the nuances in someone’s speech. Even if a person skips a word or two, most people can fill in the blanks accurately, or accurate enough to get the meaning. Except, of course, the opinion-news-broadcasters looking to pick a fight with or discredit or undermine a guest by focusing on minutia that otherwise would be overlooked by everybody else, except those who want to stall someone from completing their thought or idea or hypothesis or theory or story, you name it, it doesn’t matter because the point is not to allow someone their view.

When you know that someone knows what you mean, but they insist that they don’t by picking apart your sentence structure or grammar or applying the ‘letter of the law’ to every word you utter, thinking they are making you look foolish when in truth, it is they who look the fool, it’s a little annoying isn’t it?

Is it individuals who don’t understand the ‘gist’ or certain individuals who don’t see nuances? Or is that condition, if a condition at all, based on demographics? Certain categories of humans, perhaps who find themselves lacking in the ‘gist’ and ‘nuance’ comprehension departments of communication skills?


The universe seems to seek out the rare. Where there is an unusual opening or occurrence or event, the universe finds it and enters without knocking.

One might think that because there are so many physical laws that rule what is physical in the universe, even the physical that can’t be seen by human eyes, that the universe would overlook the rare and unpredicted in anything. But it doesn’t.

There is just so much of everything else out there that is controlled by laws, how could it be that rocks and chemicals and energy that can’t think can notice something unusual and gravitate toward it, or seek it out, or protect it? But it does.

Even dark matter matters. It’s protected by everybody’s equations and formulas, without anybody knowing anything about it, except that it exists.

It’s included – the rare.

How could rare be so big? Humans think of rare as being small. Infrequent.

The fact of familiarity in and of itself creates a natural tendency to notice anything out of the ordinary.

The safest place to be is with what’s rare because you have the entire universe behind you.




Yeah, not a punch, not a kick, not a slap or turning of the back, but a pliable move.

Show some pliability in your actions. Different than flexibility, which stretches and conditions only the extreme ends of the muscles, where they attach themselves to the bone and not the middle, biggest part that needs equal attention and consideration for a totally developed package.

Are you neglecting the middle part of the muscle?

Most people do. In fact, nearly all people do.

Is that you?

Put some pliability into your plans to change the world.

You’ll be glad you did.

You will outperform every other politician – on or off the field of politics.

Pick a field any field, the same holds true.


Democrats need to be taught a lesson. You don’t mess with border security for the purpose of enlarging your political base.

Five billion dollars is nothing.

Take it from the mindless projects Congress funds to get votes for re-election.

A cheap wall is my view.

We spend more on failed military planes that never fly.

Five billion dollars is a drop in the bucket.

We’ve got the money. Spend it.

Since when are Democrats fiscally conservative? They’ll spend more money on processing and maintaining illegal immigrants at the border in a year.

Take it.

If they don’t appropriate five billion for the wall, shut down the government till they do.

We elect people to get done the jobs we want done.

We need emergency funding to get that wall built, then more money to Watch from the Wall at strategic points along the border. We want offices with computerized equipment in the wall, on the wall, under the wall. Stop building from the past. Build from the future. State of the Art in America is beginning to look like something from the past. We don’t want bramble bushes.

Think city. A linear city. Put a lot of talented people to work in every state where the wall runs through it. USA citizens get first preference for jobs – only if they qualify. No affirmative action. Your race or color or creed or lack of citizenship is not a talent nor a skill.

Take it or shut the government down till they do. The Democrats debate and delay forever. They want their name on it; they say they won’t give Trump five billion dollars, as if they’re giving it to him personally. They don’t want to give him credit for leading. Too late for that. How selfish.

It’s the people’s wall.

Refusing to fund the wall means you’re telling every American that they don’t have to lock their doors or put up fences on their property. They’re all safe.

That’s another thing about Congress. We’re tired of politicians telling us we’re safe when we’re not. Yeah, go out and have a street party after we’re attacked to show we’re not afraid of terrorists they always say after the attack, while they hunker down out of sight with armed security guards to protect them. They use us as human shields to spit in the eye of the enemy on their behalf.

Well, we’re not going to take that garbage-talk you throw at us any longer. We want security and we don’t have it.

Build the wall or nobody gets their entitlement checks. Then watch the country go berserk just before Christmas. There will be five billion easy in damages from the riots, that the government will have to pay out in repairs and low-interest loans.

It will look worse than France.

Go ahead Nancy Pelosi, lead your party to the victory wall. Or are you going to steal all the people’s marbles as you run all the way home to your safe mansion?

You waited too long at the people’s expense. Now everybody will pay for that ill-advised procrastination strategy.

after thought: make it a tourist attraction


Anger comes after SAD.

We’re already at anger – for sometime now – which means we got out of SAD mode, as a nation once depressed.

Stop trying to put us back to SAD, which will only result in more anger.

Sad, anger, acceptance, happy, productive.

Simultaneous would be nice. Yes, it’s possible. No one is required to wallow in stages of anything or slow-poke their way through each stage.

You’re trying to lower the temperature by going back to SAD, instead of advancing to HAPPY via acceptance. Everything is SAD on social media now. Not long ago everybody was a racist bigot cunt, now they’re all so so SAD.

Going back to SAD doesn’t lead to happy.  It keeps people in the past looking for a happy that’s gone.

Stop with the reverse psychology engineering. It’s not working. You’re confusing people.

Stop telling happy stories with a SAD component. What are you really trying to do here, except create more chaos and uncertainty?

The social engineers created this social media monster, now step back and let people figure how to get out of it on their own.

You made a mess trying to control people’s emotions. That’s oppression in case you can’t see it.

The populace will turn on the social engineers. They’ll figure out who you are. People don’t like their food genetically engineered, what makes you think they want their emotions engineered by terrorist agencies with agendas to control them for somebody else’s benefit?

They’re going to wake up and stop turning against each other, which was your socially engineered plan, and you will become their new target.

Acceptance was the next step to happy and you all pushed everybody back to SAD. Now they’ve got to do that whole anger stint all over again. That’s sadistic and detrimental to society – AT ALL LEVELS. You have a price to pay.

Getting out-of-the-way is your best strategy now.


Nothing I can’t handle.

Nothing I haven’t handled before.

A problem is a problem.

The nature of a problem doesn’t change.

It’s an irritant at its center – lesser or greater depending upon the problem.

How best to neutralize it?

In no particular order:

1 – ignore it

2 – placate it

3 – alter it (by altering the components)

4 – destroy it

5 – remove yourself from the equation

6 – live with it

7 – redefine its importance


Jewish is an adjective.

Jew is a noun.

Get used to it.

Enter that into your next round of dictionary and word usage books, which you compile and publish for everybody else, with an acceptable usage designation.

Contact McGraw Hill and Simon & Schuster.

“Who does she think she is, talking to us like that?”


Get the feel of it. Own you, not how somebody describes you.

Stop trying to own a word that nobody can say for fear of having their lives made a living hell.

Stop the ‘hell ‘thing and others will stop wanting to destroy you before you destroy them.

When you tell the world that you don’t care that everybody hates you, that signals to them that you think you’re above everybody else and can do whatever you want to whomever you want to do it – with impunity. You set up that circle of hatred so you can keep taking out vengeance on innocent people, making them fear you, so they’ll give you what you want.

That’s terrorism. Instilling fear is terrorism.

It’s odd that you don’t mind being called a terrorist, but scream when somebody calls you a Jew. Yet you want a Jewish state of Israel, based on your Jewness.

That’s some kind of convoluted strategy to take what you want from others. Keep popping them, so you can take the entire bank in reparations for name-calling.

Neo-nazis? Really? I thought they were you. Jews.

Yeah, they’re you.

Neo-Nazis are JEWS.

Nazis are socialists. You know, the people who take somebody’s land to give to somebody else expecting a favor in return?

What are you doing in Mexico anyway?

What? No engineers and architects in Mexico? Brazil? Central America, South America? Honduras??

What are you doing there beneath the radar?

Organizing, funding caravans of poor people funneling and tunneling them out of the regions you want to inhabit?

Found your real land of milk and honey did you?

The 13th Tribe of Israel – in Spain. Opportunity knocked and you walked straight through that door, hiding your tracks behind you by discounting the ‘find’ – Basque Country isn’t really your birth place after all. Such high hopes deflated.

Yeah, it is. So where did your people go?

To the Americas. That’s why so many Jews are in the United States. And now going to Mexico and all the Americas. They’ve been there for a very long time.

Ever notice how Israel cares for the French Jews, no matter where they be? Well, half of Basque country is in France – half in Spain.

They don’t want France nor Spain. They want the Americas, the place to where the Basque people migrated. Self-governing people. They don’t like others telling them what to do. They don’t like other people’s rules and laws. So it would seem.

They never wanted the Middle East. It was given to them by the British. They left that hell long ago; why go back? They took what they could get and have paid dearly for it – and made others pay too.

The Americas, wow, that’s us. Those are our people. Not the stinky poor people who don’t want to work. Send them to the USA, where they’ll be dealt with. We have lots of our people in the USA. In fact, more there than anywhere.

By design?

We do everything by design.

Talk about lucrative. South of our own border. Yeah, we need a wall.

Drugs. Drugs. Jews are big drug takers. Look at Hollywood. Rain forests. Pharmaceuticals. They probably have diamonds and gold too. Silver. Copper. Lush, lush, lush, fertile, fertile. Just enough desert to make a statement –  to remind us how far we’ve come. They’ve got everything God promised us. Why do you think they never did anything with it all? God wouldn’t let them – till we arrived.

We’ve arrived. With engineers and architects.


Some people are using racial, ethnic and gender slurs to get free press. “Any press is good press”. Keeps the person’s name current. It’s so funny to see all these people apologizing in public just to keep their names in lights.

Most of the people whose careers were ruined for saying or doing something unsavory wanted out of their contracts. Another coup!

So many people have been called racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, child molester/pedophile, retard, whitey, cracker, white boy, white trash, nigger, spic, gringo, terrorist, pussies, dicks, pricks, cunts, sluts, asswipes, bitches,  fuckwits, towel heads, Hitler, that the terms lost their sting already.

Nobody even cares about nigger anymore. There’s something about calling yourself, your family and friends a racial slur that turns white people off. Black people in Cleveland do it ad nauseam. It’s like they don’t know any other word. Wherever they gather, you hear that word more than any other. If they had to not say it, I think there wouldn’t be much else said. It has about a thousand uses.

Nazi? Really? Okay, I used it – once publicly. At a fur store protesting skinning animals alive. Weiss Furrier.

The Holocaust against all non-human animals is the longest-running mass murder operation and most globally destructive force executed on a daily basis that forms the economic foundations of all countries. That will end.

And when it does who’s going to be there who can truthfully say, “I was with you all along. Every day in every way known to me I was there.” Can you say that? You who fault everybody else for not stepping up and stepping in to stop the Holocaust in Europe. You blame them to this day. Well, don’t think the souls of the ones you ate won’t remember. ‘Everybody else was doing it’ is not justification for joining in and continuing the Holocaust. The world won’t excuse you, because they think you of all people should have led the way, knowing what it was like. There is a moral equivalency there and I know that you know that’s accurate.

If you’re going to make a production and a strategy out of name-calling or restricting word usage by some people and not others, then you need to resign yourselves to living in a chaotic place. It’s best not to engage, but it beats pummeling someone. Remember, names hurt. However, exploiting them to destroy people is unacceptable.

We destroy with greater vengeance and harm inflicted on the lives of people we don’t like, than punishment is meted out via the courts for actual crimes. We convict in the public square, then carry out the punishment when no crime was committed, just because somebody called us a name and we couldn’t handle the criticism.

What kind of democracy is that? It started with the Jews, didn’t it? You couldn’t call a Jew a Jew. Well, you’re not getting that one from me. You set a horrible example that now the world is following to disrupt a nation, the most powerful nation on the planet.

No. Jew is not a slur. Not Ever.

It’s not true that Israel is the vegan capital of the world, is it? You mean all those Russian Jews who you sold Palestinian land to turned vegan? You may have more vegan-option restaurants in Tel-Aviv, but that’s it. You don’t get the title before you earn it. When you create conflict thus prejudice by controlling speech for political or financial gain, a condition of oppression emerges and spreads through all ranks.

You did sell the land, right? You didn’t just give it to Russian maybe-Jews after you bulldozed the Palestinians off of it by bulldozing their structures. Did you?

Yeah, overuse tends to water-down the impact – of anything. Words are no exception.

Did you know that the ones diluting the message and impact by overusing the accusatory words, toward their targets, are the ones offended most by the words? The Jews are the ones calling everybody a Nazi. Nobody really cares anymore; it’s done so often in just about any circumstance where there’s disagreement on an issue. It’s like saying shit or damn. Jews are the ones offended by the word and they use it publicly against their targets more than anybody else.

The Blacks keep saying, “It worked for the Jews; it will work for us”. So, you’re the cause of all these people’s careers being ruined because they call someone a name they call themselves.

So this is the BIG thing to do. Announce to the world that you’re taking the words Jew and Kike (not that anyone uses Kike anymore) off your terrorism watch list. Your need for exclusivity has run its course and is of no further value to the State of Israel. So everybody in the world is free to walk about the cabin.

People still won’t use it, they’ll be afraid of consequences, but they have that option to include Jews into their discourse, instead of hinting by using other words or exaggerated facial expressions to let everybody know who they’re talking about. In addition, it will settle down those late night political puppets who are so far off the planet that they need to lose some of their security to bring them back to reality.

I’m working on a wave effect, no ripple. Low, wide, slow-moving, massive wave.

STRATEGY PLACEHOLDER. If that simple exercise in bringing people back to the planet isn’t instituted quickly, I reserve a space for a  strategy I was planning to use elsewhere.


Animal-eater. That’s my favorite new name. I made that one up. I use it freely. I want to see more of that by others. I wanna hear some screaming. Not in person or in public; on social media only. One name only: animal-eater.

I don’t want to see anybody verbally assaulted and terrorized when they go about their daily lives. Social media only.

ANIMAL EATER!!!!!!!!!!


Almost always’ and ‘nearly never’ are what most mean when they say ‘always’ or ‘never’.

And most people understand the ‘gist’ of what somebody means. And/or they see the nuances in someone’s speech. Even if a person skips a word or two, most people can fill in the blanks accurately, or accurate enough to get the meaning. Except, of course, the opinion-news-broadcasters looking to pick a fight with or discredit or undermine a guest by focusing on minutia that otherwise would be overlooked by everybody else, except those who want to stall someone from completing their thought or idea or hypothesis or theory or story, you name it, it doesn’t matter because the point is not to allow someone their view.

When you know that someone knows what you mean, but they insist that they don’t by picking apart your sentence structure or grammar or applying the ‘letter of the law’ to every word you utter, thinking they are making you look foolish when in truth, it is they who look the fool, it’s a little annoying isn’t it?

Is it individuals who don’t understand the ‘gist’ or certain individuals who don’t see nuances? Or is that condition, if a condition at all, based on demographics? Certain categories of humans, perhaps who find themselves lacking in the ‘gist’ and ‘nuance’ comprehension departments of communication skills?


The universe seems to seek out the rare. Where there is an unusual opening or occurrence or event, the universe finds it and enters without knocking.

One might think that because there are so many physical laws that rule what is physical in the universe, even the physical that can’t be seen by human eyes, that the universe would overlook the rare and unpredicted in anything. But it doesn’t.

There is just so much of everything else out there that is controlled by laws, how could it be that rocks and chemicals and energy that can’t think can notice something unusual and gravitate toward it, or seek it out, or protect it? But it does.

Even dark matter matters. It’s protected by everybody’s equations and formulas, without anybody knowing anything about it, except that it exists.

It’s included – the rare.

How could rare be so big? Humans think of rare as being small. Infrequent.

The fact of familiarity in and of itself creates a natural tendency to notice anything out of the ordinary.

The safest place to be is with what’s rare because you have the entire universe behind you.




Yeah, not a punch, not a kick, not a slap or turning of the back, but a pliable move.

Show some pliability in your actions. Different than flexibility, which stretches and conditions only the extreme ends of the muscles, where they attach themselves to the bone and not the middle, biggest part that needs equal attention and consideration for a totally developed package.

Are you neglecting the middle part of the muscle?

Most people do. In fact, nearly all people do.

Is that you?

Put some pliability into your plans to change the world.

You’ll be glad you did.

You will outperform every other politician – on or off the field of politics.

Pick a field any field, the same holds true.


Democrats need to be taught a lesson. You don’t mess with border security for the purpose of enlarging your political base.

Five billion dollars is nothing.

Take it from the mindless projects Congress funds to get votes for re-election.

A cheap wall is my view.

We spend more on failed military planes that never fly.

Five billion dollars is a drop in the bucket.

We’ve got the money. Spend it.

Since when are Democrats fiscally conservative? They’ll spend more money on processing and maintaining illegal immigrants at the border in a year.

Take it.

If they don’t appropriate five billion for the wall, shut down the government till they do.

We elect people to get done the jobs we want done.

We need emergency funding to get that wall built, then more money to Watch from the Wall at strategic points along the border. We want offices with computerized equipment in the wall, on the wall, under the wall. Stop building from the past. Build from the future. State of the Art in America is beginning to look like something from the past. We don’t want bramble bushes.

Think city. A linear city. Put a lot of talented people to work in every state where the wall runs through it. USA citizens get first preference for jobs – only if they qualify. No affirmative action. Your race or color or creed or lack of citizenship is not a talent nor a skill.

Take it or shut the government down till they do. The Democrats debate and delay forever. They want their name on it; they say they won’t give Trump five billion dollars, as if they’re giving it to him personally. They don’t want to give him credit for leading. Too late for that. How selfish.

It’s the people’s wall.

Refusing to fund the wall means you’re telling every American that they don’t have to lock their doors or put up fences on their property. They’re all safe.

That’s another thing about Congress. We’re tired of politicians telling us we’re safe when we’re not. Yeah, go out and have a street party after we’re attacked to show we’re not afraid of terrorists they always say after the attack, while they hunker down out of sight with armed security guards to protect them. They use us as human shields to spit in the eye of the enemy on their behalf.

Well, we’re not going to take that garbage-talk you throw at us any longer. We want security and we don’t have it.

Build the wall or nobody gets their entitlement checks. Then watch the country go berserk just before Christmas. There will be five billion easy in damages from the riots, that the government will have to pay out in repairs and low-interest loans.

It will look worse than France.

Go ahead Nancy Pelosi, lead your party to the victory wall. Or are you going to steal all the people’s marbles as you run all the way home to your safe mansion?

You waited too long at the people’s expense. Now everybody will pay for that ill-advised procrastination strategy.

after thought: make it a tourist attraction


Anger comes after SAD.

We’re already at anger – for sometime now – which means we got out of SAD mode, as a nation once depressed.

Stop trying to put us back to SAD, which will only result in more anger.

Sad, anger, acceptance, happy, productive.

Simultaneous would be nice. Yes, it’s possible. No one is required to wallow in stages of anything or slow-poke their way through each stage.

You’re trying to lower the temperature by going back to SAD, instead of advancing to HAPPY via acceptance. Everything is SAD on social media now. Not long ago everybody was a racist bigot cunt, now they’re all so so SAD.

Going back to SAD doesn’t lead to happy.  It keeps people in the past looking for a happy that’s gone.

Stop with the reverse psychology engineering. It’s not working. You’re confusing people.

Stop telling happy stories with a SAD component. What are you really trying to do here, except create more chaos and uncertainty?

The social engineers created this social media monster, now step back and let people figure how to get out of it on their own.

You made a mess trying to control people’s emotions. That’s oppression in case you can’t see it.

The populace will turn on the social engineers. They’ll figure out who you are. People don’t like their food genetically engineered, what makes you think they want their emotions engineered by terrorist agencies with agendas to control them for somebody else’s benefit?

They’re going to wake up and stop turning against each other, which was your socially engineered plan, and you will become their new target.

Acceptance was the next step to happy and you all pushed everybody back to SAD. Now they’ve got to do that whole anger stint all over again. That’s sadistic and detrimental to society – AT ALL LEVELS. You have a price to pay.

Getting out-of-the-way is your best strategy now.


Nothing I can’t handle.

Nothing I haven’t handled before.

A problem is a problem.

The nature of a problem doesn’t change.

It’s an irritant at its center – lesser or greater depending upon the problem.

How best to neutralize it?

In no particular order:

1 – ignore it

2 – placate it

3 – alter it (by altering the components)

4 – destroy it

5 – remove yourself from the equation

6 – live with it

7 – redefine its importance