RE: Military experiments against USA citizens by its own military

RE: Military experiments against USA citizens by its own military:  The USA military spies on USA citizens with artificial intelligence and mind-talkers, using common torture techniques for months at a time in public housing to alter their behavior patterns and make them submissive to their orders.  Veterans claim to be commissioned by the military toContinueContinue reading “RE: Military experiments against USA citizens by its own military”

The Building Of Israel

Israel is built on Immigration on land taken from the Palestinians, just like America did to the Indians, that’s why they get away with it. It worked for the Americans, it will work for the Jews. Take away the imports and there’s nothing left but Palestinians who didn’t flee the repeated holocausts designed by theContinueContinue reading “The Building Of Israel”

Secure The Border Now

Do Not Put National Security On Hold Don’t wait to get re-elected, and use our security as a bartering tool to get four more years. Secure the border now; all hands on deck. You have enough proof, stop waiting for another 9-11. How dare you gamble with our lives and our homeland. Stop right nowContinueContinue reading “Secure The Border Now”

Forced Deportation from USA?

A Question On twitter (X): Do you support the forced deportation of illegal immigrants from America? They forced their way into America illegally. They knew the consequences of getting caught. They’re lucky somebody else is paying the bill for their mistake. America isn’t using smugglers to remove them; they’re getting safe passage back – forContinueContinue reading “Forced Deportation from USA?”

It’s Not Because You’re Jew-ish

It’s because you can’t shut up about it. Nobody cares but you. Every time you take somebody else’s property or dignity you set up an anti-Jew campaign to slaughter any form of resistance – only you conveniently addon the Arabs to boost your silly poll numbers. Nobody cares about your numbers or how you gotContinueContinue reading “It’s Not Because You’re Jew-ish”

RE: Hondurans forming migrant caravan for US stopped in homeland

It looks like these so-called migrants are dressed for a community outing, masks and all, babies in strollers even, for a 1,125 mile trek to the Texas, USA border, demanding entry? Why not call before you leave to see if they’ll let you in? They just assume they will? They think pity will open theContinueContinue reading “RE: Hondurans forming migrant caravan for US stopped in homeland”


Black Africans think their brains are in their skin, that’s why they’re always thinking on it, with it, and through it. Most people want to show off their brains. Blacks want to show off their skin. Not every black from every African country – I don’t suppose. I wonder though, if there are significant culturalContinueContinue reading “THE SIMULTANEOUS VOTE”

RE: Mexico president tells Donald Trump: ‘America First is a fallacy’ in response to tariff threat

Sharon Lee Davies-Tight 5.31.2019 Mexico president tells Donald Trump: ‘America First is a fallacy’ in response to tariff threat If this Mexican president thinks the USA is going to continue taking in Mexico’s poor people and those wanting to set up illegal drug businesses, then he’s delusional. It’s time Mexico paid for the services theyContinueContinue reading “RE: Mexico president tells Donald Trump: ‘America First is a fallacy’ in response to tariff threat”


EXPOSING YOUR SKIN When I write an opinion-piece about what’s going on in the world that involves human beings or specific groups of human beings I am invariably asked ‘why don’t you like brown people; why don’t you like black people; why do you hate Jews; why are you anti-immigration?’. When you criticize someone orContinueContinue reading “EXPOSING YOUR SKIN strategy”

The Compassionate Band-Aid Strategy

Using children as tools to commit crimes or as tools to make more money isn’t new. Years ago people had large families, so the children grew up tending the fields and working the farms – being trained early in the execution of their ‘chores’. When factories came along, they were the first in line. ‘ImagineContinueContinue reading “The Compassionate Band-Aid Strategy”

RE: The Mollie Tibbetts killing is not about immigration, it’s about toxic masculinity

The Mollie Tibbetts killing is not about immigration, it’s about toxic masculinity Sharon Lee Davies-Tight Fri. 8/24/2018 Spanish speaking Islands and countries south of the USA are way behind the USA in women’s rights. I’m surprised that these women who are outspoken about the border wall aren’t as outspoken regarding male dominance through violence and threatsContinueContinue reading “RE: The Mollie Tibbetts killing is not about immigration, it’s about toxic masculinity”