Why physicists are determined to prove Galileo and Einstein wrong | Live Science

In the 17th century, famed astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei is said to have climbed to the top of the Tower of Pisa and dropped two different-sized cannonballs. He was trying to demonstrate his theory — which Albert Einstein later updated and added to his theory of relativity — that objects fall at the same rate regardlessContinueContinue reading “Why physicists are determined to prove Galileo and Einstein wrong | Live Science”

Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics | Live Science

By Rafi Letzter – Staff Writer 1/24/2020 What’s making these things fly out of the frozen continent? Our best model of particle physics is bursting at the seams as it struggles to contain all the weirdness in the universe. Now, it seems more likely than ever that it might pop, thanks to a series of strange eventsContinueContinue reading “Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics | Live Science”

Alien Life Could Be Hiding Out on Far Fewer Planets Than We Thought

Alien Life Could Be Hiding Out on Far Fewer Planets Than We Thought By Laura Geggel, Associate Editor | June 10, 2019 Where is complex alien life hanging out in the universe? Likely not on planets stewing in toxic gases, according to a new study that dramatically reduces the number of worlds where scientists willContinueContinue reading “Alien Life Could Be Hiding Out on Far Fewer Planets Than We Thought”

Stephen Hawking Was Right: Black Holes Can Evaporate, Weird New Study Shows

Stephen Hawking Was Right: Black Holes Can Evaporate, Weird New Study Shows By Meredith Fore, Live Science Contributor | June 10, 2019 Stephen Hawking made one of his most famous predictions: that black holes eventually evaporate entirely. According to Hawking’s theory, black holes are not perfectly “black” but instead actually emit particles. This radiation, HawkingContinueContinue reading “Stephen Hawking Was Right: Black Holes Can Evaporate, Weird New Study Shows”

‘God Plays Dice with the Universe,’ Einstein Writes in Letter About His Qualms with Quantum Theory

‘God Plays Dice with the Universe,’ Einstein Writes in Letter About His Qualms with Quantum Theory By Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer | June 12, 2019 In a letter that Albert Einstein wrote in 1945, the famous physicist sketched two diagrams demonstrating a novel approach to the thought experiment called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. Three lettersContinueContinue reading “‘God Plays Dice with the Universe,’ Einstein Writes in Letter About His Qualms with Quantum Theory”

World’s Largest Atom Smasher May Have Just Found Evidence for Why Our Universe Exists

Physicists have observed a difference in the decay of particles containing the charm quark and its antiparticle, perhaps helping to explain why matter exists at all. Matter and antimatter Every particle of matter has an antiparticle, which is identical in mass but with an opposite electrical charge. When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate oneContinueContinue reading “World’s Largest Atom Smasher May Have Just Found Evidence for Why Our Universe Exists”

On Earth As In The Heavens

DID YOU KNOW… (12). “Of course, not all things and phenomena in the cosmos have counterparts on Earth…What matters is the universality of the physical laws that describe them.” RETURN TO FUN FACTS https://sharononthenews.com/category/neil-degrasse-tyson/ with Neil Degrasse Tyson

Microwave ovens essentially don’t heat food; they heat the water in the food

DID YOU KNOW… (11). “…water is the most common ingredient in food, and microwave ovens primarily heat water.” MORE FUN FACTS https://sharononthenews.com/category/neil-degrasse-tyson/ with Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Universality Of Physical Laws

DID YOU KNOW… (10). “…if we land on another planet with a thriving alien civilization, they will be running on the same laws that we discovered and tested here on Earth – even if the aliens harbor different social and political beliefs.” MORE FUN FACTS https://sharononthenews.com/category/neil-degrasse-tyson/ with Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Universe invisible beyond spherical edge

DID YOU KNOW… (8). “…there is a distance in every direction from us where the recession velocity for a galaxy equals the speed of light. At this distance and beyond, light from all luminous objects loses all its energy before reaching us. The universe beyond this spherical edge is thus rendered invisible and, as farContinueContinue reading “Universe invisible beyond spherical edge”

Universe Had A Beginning after all

DID YOU KNOW… (7). “What we do know, and what we can assert, without hesitation, is that the universe had a beginning. The universe continues to evolve. And yes, every one of our body’s atoms is traceable to the big bang and to the thermo-nuclear furnaces within high mass stars that exploded more than fiveContinueContinue reading “Universe Had A Beginning after all”

Stars Outnumber Words Uttered By Humans?

DID YOU KNOW… (5). “There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on any beach, more stars than seconds have passed since Earth formed, more stars than words and sounds ever uttered by all the humans who ever lived.” MORE FUN FACTS https://sharononthenews.com/category/neil-degrasse-tyson/ with Neil Degrasse Tyson

Nobody owns the air they breathe, believe it or not

DID YOU KNOW THIS… (4). “A single breath of air draws in more air molecules than there are single breathfuls of air in Earth’s entire atmosphere. That means some of the air you just breathed passed through the lungs of Napolean, Beethoven, Lincoln, and Billy the Kid.” MORE FUN FACTS https://sharononthenews.com/category/neil-degrasse-tyson/ with Neil Degrasse Tyson

How old is the water you drink?

DID YOU KNOW… (3). “There are more molecules of water in a cup of the stuff than there are cups of water in all the world’s oceans. Every cup that passes through a single person and eventually rejoins the world’s water supply hold enough molecules to mix 1,500 of them into every cup of waterContinueContinue reading “How old is the water you drink?”

Do huge genetic gaps among earths creatures exist?

DID YOU KNOW… (2). “If a huge genetic gap separated us from our closest relative in the animal kingdom, we could justifiably celebrate our brilliance. We might be entitled to walk around thinking we’re distant and distinct from our fellow creatures. But no such gap exists. Instead, we are one with the rest of nature,ContinueContinue reading “Do huge genetic gaps among earths creatures exist?”